Social work expertise

Published: 02/02/2023

The multi-faceted nature of social work expertise.

This film is part of the Working with uncertainty and risk in children's social care: Video learning resources.

Professor Eileen Munro shares the key elements of social work expertise and their impact upon the way that we work with people. 

Talking Points  

This video looks at:  

  • Relationship skills.
  • Emotional wisdom. 
  • Cognitive skills.
  • Critical reasoning. 
  • Supervision and peer support. 
  • Time and reflection. 

Reflective questions    

  1. How confident do you feel in understanding and challenging the families you work with in a respectful manner?
  2. Do you understand how and why families might present in a certain way to your involvement?
  3. How might you bring your emotional wisdom to your work with families without imposing your own cultural values?
  4. Are there opportunities for informal as well as formal team chats to help you build expertise in your role?
  5. What other ways can your team/organisation support you to reflect upon your experiences and make well-reasoned decisions?

Related resources



Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - Child and family assessment | Analysis, decision-making, planning and review | Confident analysis and decision-making | Purposeful and effective social work | Support effective decision-making | Designing a system to support effective practice

PCF - Critical reflection and analysis | Intervention and skills | Contexts and organisations