Virtual supervision

During the Covid-19 pandemic supervision moved to be online, these resources developed during the pandemic, support supervision practice in a virtual setting.

Virtual supervision: A supervisor's perspective

This Podcast explores supervision in the context of coronavirus (COVID-19) and the experience of virtual supervision. Sally Nieman, Professional Social Work Educator and Research in Practice associate, speaks to Shabnam Ahmed, trainer and practice educator from the London Borough of Camden. They explore the benefits and challenges associated with virtual supervision from the perspective of a supervisor.

Practice Supervisors Development Programme: Virtual group supervision using the debrief tool

This video gives a real-life example of how the debrief tool can be used to support a group supervision. The group use the tool to explore the impact of COVID-19 on their wellbeing, to share experiences and to listen reflectively. The video offers an example of how virtual group supervision can be carried out.

You can use the film as a model for supervision, to reflect on your own experiences, or as part of a learning session. The tool can also be used individually or in groups to talk about an experience that has affected you.

You may want to reflect on the question:

How do you as a supervisor or supervisee use supervision to share the impact of your work and to manage your emotional response to this?